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Contact Details
Contact details for the priests in the Pastoral Area of Mooncoin, & Kilmacow, Templeorum

Fr. Martin Tobin (Mooncoin + Kilmacow) 086 240 1278

Fr. Paschal Moore (Templeorum) 087 240 8078

Fr. Michael Kelly SJ, CC Kilmacow amd associate in the Pastoral Area 087 3792406

Safeguarding Children

For the National Safeguarding Children Website, visit:
Diocesan Child Safeguarding Policy Statement
and Contact Details
The Diocese of Ossory seeks to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to make known the Good News of Christ more fully through worship, service and witness. In keeping with this aim, ministry with children and young people in the Diocese is informed by the Gospel values of Truth, Justice and Love.
The Diocese of Ossory values and encourages the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and young people. We are committed to their safeguarding and support in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity as children of God.
In keeping with this, we undertake to do all in our power to create safe environments for children and young people and to ensure their safeguarding from either physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect.
We recognise that all involved in working with children and young people have a special duty of care towards them. We are committed to putting procedures in place through which this care is put into effect so that the rights of children and young people to safely and actively participate in the life of the Church are upheld.
All Church personnel are expected to comply with the Diocesan Safeguarding policy and procedures.

National Safeguarding Policy Document

The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NSBCCCI) published a revised Safeguarding Children Policy in 2016. This revised set of standards is designed to ensure up-to-date ‘best practice’ in all aspects of Child Safeguarding and is the policy adhered to by all Church Personnel in the Diocese of Ossory and can be downloaded here.

Child Safeguarding Statement for the Diocese of Ossory

This statement has been prepared to comply with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015 and is derived from safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2016 and can be downloaded here.

Seven Safeguarding Standards

For the effective implementation of the Seven Safeguarding Standards a supporting Guidance Manual has also been produced




For further information on parish policies, please contact the parish representatives for Safeguarding Children.
Diocesan Safeguarding Contact Details:
Diocese of Ossory

If you have a child safeguarding concern or wish to raise a matter from the past you may contact

Mr. Cathal Cullen, Deputy Designated Person. Tel:  087 100 0232 or email:

Ms. Rose Brophy, Deputy Designated Liaison Person. Tel:  087 331 4330 or email:

Mooncoin Parish Safeguarding Reps: Katherine Hogan  and Billy Doyle; Tel 051 895123
Pastoral Care/Support Person
If you or anyone you know requires support or pastoral care in relation to a child safeguarding issue, please contact the following pastoral care/support person:
Gardaí 056 777504
HSE Social Work Department 056 7784532 / 7784600
Gardaí 057 86741000
HSE Social Work Department 057 9370700
Gardaí 051 305300
HSE Social Work Department 051 842800

Civil Authorities 

  • Kilkenny area –  052 617 7302
  • Laois, Offaly – 090 648 3106
  • Garda Freephone Confidential Helpline: 1800 555 222

Other Support Services

Other Support Services available:
Click on – a new counselling service and support service for survivors of Institutional, Clerical and Religious abuse, funded by the Catholic Church.
Forms, resources and further information 
To view our Safeguarding Policy, 
please click Safeguarding Children Policy.
© 2025 Mooncoin Parish Office, Polerone, Mooncoin, Co. Kilkenny. Tel. (051) 895123 Email:
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